New England Latinx Scientists

We are proud to temporarily host the New England Latinx Scientists (NExScientists) site.

NExScientists is an initiative to improve diversity in academia and industry in the United States.

According to the National Science Foundation report in 2021, Hispanics or Latinos constitute only 6% of scientists and engineers in the United States. Several factors contribute to this underrepresentation, including lack of access to education and resources, cultural barriers, and discrimination. NExScientists wants to provide a forum for scientists in academia and industry to convene and share knowledge while also serving as a mentorship platform for the Latinx community with the goal of creating a more inclusive science workforce that reflects the diversity of the United States.

Our cornerstones are:

Mentoring at NExScientists

Strengthen scientific careers by promoting effective mentoring that fosters individual growth and research success.

Equity at NExScientists

Reduce inequalities in opportunities based on individual background and gender.

Science at NExScientists

Encourage scientific communication between academia and industry.

Networking at NExScientists

Create professional development opportunities by enriching our scientific network.

Our Goals

  1. Grow our community. Spread the word!

  2. Establish mentoring matches.

  3. Have workshops/meetings.

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