As a postdoc, it is essential to have a strong sense of independent thinking and enthusiasm to lead cutting-edge projects. These qualities not only demonstrate your ability to take the initiative but also show that you are dedicated to advancing your field of study. You will be expected to work closely with our team and collaborate with others, but ultimately, it will be up to you to drive your research forward and make meaningful contributions to the scientific community. Therefore, with hard work, perseverance, and passion for your work, you can make a real impact!
To apply, please email the following to Gio (PDF format preferred):
A cover letter that summarizes your research experience, explaining which project(s) you are proposing/interested in and why.
Your Curriculum vitae, including the list of publications.
Name and contact information for three references.
Graduate Students
Our work is quite diverse and requires a combination of skills from different fields, such as molecular biology, biochemistry, classical genetics, bioinformatics, and advanced imaging. To become a successful scientist in our team, you should be prepared to become a multidisciplinary scientist! All projects are expected to be related to our primary research program, but as you develop your interests, you will always be encouraged to contribute to the project development.
Brown Ph.D. students who want to rotate with us, please email Gio, including a summary of her research interests. Even better, knock on his door!
For external candidates, the link below provides information about graduate studies at Brown.
Undergraduate Students
As an undergraduate student, you will get the opportunity to work together with current graduate students or postdocs. Along with the PI mentorship, this collaboration will not only boost your academic and scientific experience but also provide valuable insights and guidance for your future career.
Undergraduate students in our lab must be able to commit to the following:
• At least 15 hours per week in the lab.
• Weekly lab meetings.
• Monthly small group project meetings.
If you can commit to all of the above and are interested in joining the lab, email Gio directly. In your email, please provide a brief overview of your interests, your motivation for wanting to join the lab, and your Curriculum vitae.
Visiting Scientists
We are always thrilled to hear that scientists are interested in joining us as Visiting Research Fellows. We highly value the contributions that graduate students from all backgrounds around the world bring to the lab! We are excited to offer you the opportunity to conduct significant experiments that will advance your project while also learning new techniques from us. To ensure that you meet the necessary requirements set forth by Brown, please review them here thoroughly.
When you are ready, please send an email to Gio detailing the following:
Your current status at your institution.
The motivations for joining us.
Your scientific plans for our lab.
Curriculum vitae, including publications.
225 Dyer Street, Lab 667. Providence, RI 02903
(+1) 401-883-2022
It all begins with an idea. We always love hearing about new research projects.